Frunze 103 In 1139 Prince Vsevolod of Chernigiv founded a monastery dedicated to his divine patron - St. Cyril of Alexandria. Vsevolod's wife Maria constructed St. Cyril's Church in the monastery. In 1786 the monastery was closed. ...
I promised that I will talk about Dieffenbachia before our vacation and I didn't had the time to do that. I am so busy with Soap Mill's launching on September 15th that I didn't write anything here or on BDG. .... Nu mi-e teama sa le tai, stiu ca e ca la ficusi, face mai multe frunze dupa ce ii tai capul. Sincer iti spun, nu frica ma opreste. Mi-e mila. Anul asta am taiat trandafirul japonez si aproape am plans. Deocamdata am si spatiu pe verticala, daca vad ca tulpina e ...
The right to rest and leisure is ensured by the reduction of the working day to seven hours for the overwhelming majority of the workers, the institution of annual vacations with full pay for workers and employees and the provision of a ...